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Learn more about various roofing systems, options for your home or business, tips to keep your roof in excellent shape and more.
6 Resolutions for Your Roof
When you think of New Year’s Resolutions, working out, learning a new skill, or eating healthy all come to mind. What you might not think about is your roof. That’s why we have devoted this list to give you some new year’s roof resolutions (and we'll help you stick to them).
Oops! 5 Common DIY Roofing Mistakes
Many homeowners have opted to take on DIY (do it yourself) home improvement projects in hopes of saving money. Unfortunately, when it comes to structural elements, like roofing, doing it yourself tends to cost more than hiring licensed professionals. All it takes is one misplaced nail, a fall from a ladder or incorrect materials and you’ve wasted both your time and money. If you are considering a DIY roofing project, we hope you’ll think twice after reading about these 5 common DIY roofing mistakes.
Holiday Roof Decorating Guide
If you plan on decorating your home this holiday season, make sure to do so safely! Keeping your family and your roof safe is more important than winning the neighborhood decorating contest. Especially since some decorations can cause irreparable damage to your roof, and the cost to replace a roof in Georgia averages between $8,000 - $20,000. Avoid ending up on the naughty list by causing roof damage when decorating this winter by making sure to avoid these decoration disasters.
Understanding the Layers of Your Roof
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “out of sight, out of mind”? Essentially, we focus on what we can see. For example, if I asked you to draw a picture of your roof, you’d probably draw a picture of shingles (or whatever roofing material you have on your home). While this would not be incorrect, your roof is actually composed of several layers that play an important part in your roofing system. Let’s take a closer look at each of these layers and see what role each component plays in keeping your home safe.
What You Should Do if A Tree Falls on Your House
Unfortunately, no one teaches you what to do if a tree falls on your home. There's no class in school or drill to go over the important steps you need to take. So we wanted to create a guide just for you- educating you on what you should do in the event that a tree falls on your home. Bookmark this page, send it to your family, or print it out in case you need it for reference one day.
Should You Get a Professional Roof Inspection After a Storm?
With something as unpredictable as the weather, it’s important to have a plan of action in case your home is damaged. While there are many things you can do to protect yourself, like take shelter inside, prepare for a power outage, board up windows and monitor the weather, your roof must remain your first line of defense against the elements. When harsh weather hits your home, a professional roof inspection after a storm can help give you peace of mind that your roof has not been compromised.
2 Main Types of Roofing Warranties & What They Mean for You
Time for a new roof? If you’ve done your homework then you already know that you have many important decisions to make. You may be researching roofing materials and deciding what color roof will look best. However, when it comes to roofing warranties these decisions get a little more complicated.
Everything You Need to Know About Rain Gutters
Most people don’t think about their gutters on a regular basis and why should they? If your gutters are doing their job, then they shouldn’t require a second thought. However, if you decide to build a new home or replace your gutters then you may be surprised with the number of options there are.